WRFL Members Blog
Contributor Guidelines

Welcome to Our Blogging Community!

The Women’s Recreational Fishing League (WRFL) Members Blog is a vibrant platform where our valued members share insights, experiences, and the joy found in fishing, whilst developing their skills in the art written storytelling. Before submitting your blog piece, take a moment to peruse our Contributor Guidelines to ensure your submission sails smoothly through the review process…


Who Can Contribute:

  • Current WRFL Financial Members.


Submission Categories:

  • Fishing Tales: Share your personal experiences, adventures, and lessons learned while fishing.
  • Tips & Tricks: Offer your best practical advice on fishing techniques, gear, locations, etc.
  • Boat Tests: Review your boat, or another that you’ve gained access to.
  • Gear Reviews: Review a piece of kit you either love or don’t.
  • Community Spotlight: Highlight outstanding contributions by WRFL members and local communities.
  • Event Recaps: Provide insights and reflections on recent WRFL events or tournaments.
  • Inspirations: Interviews with fishos who inspire you.


Submission Guidelines:

  1. Original Content: All submissions must be your original work. If your work is published elsewhere, please indicate this in your submission.
  2. Length: Articles should range between 500-800 words. This range allows for in-depth exploration while maintaining reader engagement.
  3. Format: Submit your piece directly to our platform, via your login (provided upon approval of your Registration). Please use headings, subheadings, and short paragraphs to enhance readability.
  4. Images: Include high-resolution images relevant to your article, but please reduce the file size to less than 1mb for each one, otherwise your blog will be slow to load. Practice creative photography and use this platform to hone your eye in this space. Ensure you have the rights to use and distribute all images provided.
  5. Tone: Maintain a positive, inclusive, and empowering tone. The WRFL Members Blog aims to provide a platform for you to develop your prowess as a communicator, a well as inspire and support our community, reflecting our shared passion for fishing.
  6. Editing: The WRFL editorial team reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, length, and adherence to our mission, ethos and pledge.


First Submission:

Please include a brief author bio (50-100 words) and a high-resolution headshot.



  • Our editorial team reviews blog on a rolling basis and may edit or remove blogs without warning.
  • If your blog is removed for any reason, you will be notified to allow professional development and rectification.


Legal Considerations:

By submitting your content, you grant WRFL perpetual, irrevocable, and unrestricted rights to use, modify, and distribute your contributed content. We fully intend to promote your work and elevate your profile as a female fishing communicator.


Final Thoughts:

We’re thrilled to feature the voices and stories of our tribe! Each blog contributes to the rich tapestry of the WRFL, showcasing the strength, diversity, and spirit of Australian women in recreational fishing. So, write your lines and cast them! Let those creative juices flow — we can’t wait to read your insights!


Happy Writing and Tight Lines!