- Participation in any of the Women’s Recreational Fishing League (WRFL) competitions and/or tournaments (hereafter referred to as “Competition”) implies complete acceptance of, and compliance with, ALL Terms, Conditions and Rules as set out on this website.
- The Competition is open to all current subscribed supporters and financial members of WRFL. Participants may change status between Supporter (unfinancial but signed up to Supporter database) and Member (financial member of the WRFL) at any time, but will be eligible for prize categories relevant to their status at the start date of each Competition period.
- The Competition is conducted by Women’s Recreational Fishing League Inc., a registered not-for-profit association in Australia.
- Our competitions are run in Australia and only open to Australian residents who are submitting/uploading entries from within Australia. Prizes cannot be sent to other countries. People from countries other than Australia are ineligible and any entries uploaded by those will be deleted.
- All competitors implicitly grant permission to Women’s Recreational Fishing League Inc. to edit, reproduce, sell, copyright, exhibit, broadcast or distribute, in any way they deem fit, all or any media uploaded to the Competition App, without attribution, consultation, payment or compensation, in perpetuity. Lengths recorded shall be to the outer tail edge for species with straight or convex tail margins, and to the fork of the tail for those with forked, crescent or concave margins.
- Uploaded images that are unclear, distorted, blurred, obscured or otherwise not able to be easily interpreted by the organisers or any that are suspected of having been digitally manipulated will be deemed ineligible.
- While WRFL supports and encourages catch and release, fish may be retained by their captors where it is legal to do so. However, fish must be whole, intact and preferably alive when photographed on the measuring mat. Mutilated, damaged, gutted, gilled, frozen or otherwise degraded fish will NOT be considered eligible.
- All fish submitted for entry into our Competitions must be taken on rod and reel or handline, in strict compliance with fisheries’ rules and regulations in the jurisdiction where the entrant is fishing at the time. It is incumbent upon ALL competitors to comply with their local regulations, and to ensure they hold any necessary licences or permits.
- Only fish taken legally on hook and line from publicly accessible waterways are eligible. This excludes private waters, farm dams, hatcheries, fish-out ponds and any sanctuary zones or any waters where fishing is expressly prohibited.
- All decisions of the Women’s Recreational Fishing League Inc., the Committee and Competition organisers are final and binding. No dialogue or negotiation will be entered into concerning the conduct or results of the Competition, or the subsequent awarding of prizes.
- All participants, volunteers, entrants and competitors in the Competition expressly acknowledge that fishing, boating and other outdoor pursuits are potentially dangerous activities and they accept FULL responsibility for their own safety, wellbeing and actions, thereby releasing Women’s Recreational Fishing League Inc., The WRFL Committee, any Volunteers, Commissioned Mentors, Coaches, Trainers, and the Organisers from any responsibility or liability whatsoever for loss, injury, damage to person, damage to property or otherwise in relation to the Competition. Participation in WRFL Competitions implies complete acceptance of all Terms, Conditions and Rules.

— The Challenge
Your quest is to “catch” as many of the official listed “fishing moments” on camera as you can within the FisherQuest Season, which runs from 1 June to 31 May of each year.
The Official List of Fishing Moments is:
- Catch your first fish
- Land a rock on a hook
- Photo proof of you snagged
- Land a stick
- Unpick a backlash or threadline “pom-pom”
- Retrieval of long-lost tackle or line from the environment
- Participation in an aquatic habitat project
- Pick up 3 bits of plastic rubbish and put in the bin
- Cast a fly line
- Tie a fly
- Catch a fish on fly
- Catch a fish from a kayak
- Catch a fish from a float tube
- Catch a fish on a soft plastic lure
- Catch a pelagic fish
- Catch a fish on a surface lure
- Catch a fish on a knife- or micro-jig
- Catch a fish on bait
- Catch a fish while trolling
- Catch a fish under a float
- Catch a fish bottom bouncing
- Use an Alvey (or other centrepin) reel
- Creative Photography Challenge: Model some WRFL merchandise
- Creative Photography Challenge: Take your ultimate holiday fishing shot
- Creative Photography Challenge: Scenic photograph that depicts the wonderful places fishing takes you
- Creative Photography Challenge: Still Life with your fave fishing snack
- Photography Challenge: Jump shot
- Submit a sunrise or sunset fishing photo
- Selfie with a staff member of a small, local tackle shop
- Take a fishing selfie
- Photograph a very unusual catch (anyone ever caught an old boot?)
- Share a photo post on the WRFL page or group on Facebook (photograph/screenshot for upload)
- Catch a trout in winter
- Catch a carp
- Catch a catfish
- Catch a squid
- Show a release shot
- Fish off the beach
- Go on a charter
- Hire a guide
- Measure a freshwater native
- Measure a saltwater fish
- Catch your own bait
- Tie your own knot
- Fish with your family
- Teach a kid something about fishing
- Take a kid fishing
- Cook your own catch
- Fillet a fish you caught
- Show off your tackle box
- Zinc cream shot!
- Slip Slop Slap! Show off your sunsafe style
- Wash a boat
- Reverse a boat trailer
- Drive a boat
- Land a snapper off the rocks
- Land a mackerel off the rocks
- Land a mulloway off the rocks
- Enter a non WRFL fishing comp
- Volunteer on behalf of a local fishing club at an event
Obviously, it would be very difficult to complete the full list in a year!
The FisherQuest Rules
In addition to the General Rules governing all WRFL Inc. competitions and tournaments, the following rules apply to the FisherQuest:
- The FisherQuest an annual photographic challenge competition run through the Womens Rec Fishing League mobile phone app. Only photographs/entries submitted and received through the official FisherQuest event in the Womens Rec Fishing League app are eligible.
- Categories are selected relying on competitor honesty, however judges may scrutinise and disqualify category entries if the uploaded image is irrelevant to the category. Clarification of judges decisions may be sought in writing.
- Entries must be received at app HQ by midnight (00:00 hrs AEDT) 1 June of the competition year end to be eligible.
- Winner/s will be announced at the June VLN event and the following day via Facebook and Instagram. The winner/s will also be notified by email.
- Judges decisions are final and not open for negotiation.
- Postal tracking numbers for prizes will be supplied by email to the winner/s, once dispatched.
The Winner is determined by the number of Challenges accomplished. The participant with the most Challenge List items submitted and accepted as eligible by the closing time stated in point 3 will be named the Winner.
In the event of a tied number of submitted items, the participant who achieved that number of submitted items FIRST, will be named the winner. In this instance, the definition of being first is determined by time received at Competition App HQ, not the time the last submitted photograph was taken (which can be found in the metadata). It must be uploaded and received at HQ first to win a decider.
— How To Participate
DOWNLOAD THE PHONE APP | If you haven’t already done so, download the Women’s Rec Fishing League phone app via the Apple App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) (look for the icon above).
CREATE AN ACCOUNT OR LOGIN | If you have not used any fishing apps before produced by Infofish/Track My Fish, please register a new account & log in. If you have used one of these apps before, please log in. If you get any pop ups advising invalid username or password, or screen name not available, this may mean you have an existing account and do not need to create another. Please use the reset password function or contact TMF – Stefan: 0409811551 or Tracy 0447279976
SELECT FISHERQUEST COMP | To tick off a list item, you must first select the FisherQuest option from our comps. To do this, select RECORD CATCH from the home screen, choose FisherQuest, PRESS ENTER & then log your photo…

2. Once you’ve SELECTED FisherQuest, photograph your proof.

3. NAME the Fisher. Note that you can upload for another competitor, if they don’t have a working phone (see further down for instructions.)

4. CHOOSE THE LIST ITEM you wish to tick off, by tapping FISHING CATEGORY and scrolling to find/select the relevant challenge.

5. Make a COMMENT.

6. TAP SUBMIT and watch it upload.

7. Pat yourself on the back, TAP the smiley and get back to fishing.

— Tips
PHOTOSTREAM | To save photos you take through the app to your phone as well, turn on the SAVE TO PHOTOSTREAM button on the top of the screen (green on). This is a good idea, as it provides a backup in case signal fails.
OFFLINE | Poor phone signal can make logging a catch on the app difficult. Therefore, the app features an “OFFLINE” mode. To process of ticking off a list item in offline mode is the same as online. You must remember to switch back to ONLINE mode when you get solid phone signal to register the accomplishments waiting in your log.
DID MY PHOTO GET SAVED OR SENT? Click the LOG button on the top left-hand side. This will take you to your upload log, where all your saved, unsent photos show in red UNSENT if your app is in OFFLINE MODE or low reception. If green SENT shows, these images have come to us at HQ, if orange PART RECEIVED message shows, this means there was a reception drop out and we suggest you go into offline mode until you are in better mobile reception and then try again.
IMPORTANT | Clicking the blue tick does not mean you have logged your photo or saved your data; it means that you are happy with how the photo looks.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT | If you let your screen go black or to screensaver mode before actually submitting, your information will be lost.

— The Concept
Fishing is for everyone, and no matter where you currently sit on its life-long learning curve, you can be competitive in the WRFL League Ladder.
This Club comp is designed to motivate you to get out and fish, and the reward you for consistency. So, the scoring system levels the playing field by recognising the value of a trophy fish in all eligible species equally, regardless of whether you catch a trophy garfish or a trophy Murray cod! In fact, at the designated “trophy measurement” for each, they’re worth the same points! This means that no matter where you fish or what you fish for, you are in the running.
Having said that, we also reward versatility, so stretch yourself and target as many different species as you can.
The scoring system is programmed into our phone app, so it’s all done for you, but here is a rundown with a few examples of how it works (you’ll soon see how much fun this is for us!)…
Eligible Species | minimum scoring length | 100 point length in cm |
Australian Salmon | 25 | 65 |
Bass | 35 | 50 |
Black Drummer | 30 | 50 |
Bonito | 25 | 70 |
Bream (yellowfin or black) | 25 | 46 |
Carp | 25 | 70 |
Cobia | 25 | 120 |
Dusky Flathead | 36 | 95 |
Eel-tailed Catfish | 30 | 55 |
Estuary Perch | 35 | 50 |
Flounder | 25 | 35 |
Garfish | 15 | 35 |
Golden Perch (Yellowbelly) | 30 | 55 |
Gummy shark | 25 | 110 |
Leatherjacket | 25 | 50 |
Luderick (Blackfish) | 27 | 45 |
Mahi mahi | 60 | 110 |
Mangrove Jack | 25 | 55 |
Morwong | 30 | 60 |
Mullet | 30 | 60 |
Mulloway | 70 | 110 |
Murray Cod | 55 | 110 |
Nannygai | 25 | 35 |
Pearl Perch | 30 | 65 |
Pigfish | 25 | 55 |
Red Rock Cod | 25 | 40 |
Redfin | 25 | 48 |
Silver Drummer | 25 | 50 |
Silver Trevally | 30 | 60 |
Snapper | 30 | 85 |
Southern Bluefin Tuna | 90 | 150 |
Spanish Mackerel | 75 | 130 |
Spotted Mackerel | 60 | 90 |
Squid *** hood length only | 15 | 35 |
Tailor | 30 | 65 |
Tarwhine | 20 | 35 |
Teraglin | 38 | 75 |
Tiger or Bluespotted Flathead | 33 | 60 |
Trevally (other) | 30 | 90 |
Trout | 25 | 65 |
Venus tusk fish | 25 | 65 |
Wahoo | 25 | 130 |
Whiting | 27 | 42 |
Yellowfin Tuna | 90 | 150 |
Yellowtail Kingfish | 65 | 120 |
So, how does this actually work? Here are some examples:
A. A 71cm flathead would earn 59 points, but would be easily beaten by a 40cm (fork length) yellowfin whiting, worth a cool 87 points!
B. An 90 cm (fork length) snapper would be worth 109 points, just pipping a 65cm (fork length) Australian salmon, worth 100 points.
C. A 61cm (fork length) trout would earn its captor 90 points, very narrowly topping a 100cm Murray cod worth 82 points.
D. A massive 140cm (fork length) Spanish mackerel would be worth an impressive 118 points, but would be beaten by a whopping 80cm (fork length) tailor at 143 points!
* Points don’t start accumulating until the minimum scoring size is caught.
* Points continue to tally beyond the trophy mark at that species’ increment.
RELAX! The app calculates it all 😉
The League Ladder Rules
In addition to the General Rules governing all WRFL Inc. competitions and tournaments, the following rules apply to the FisherQuest:
- The League Ladder will begin on July 1 this year and only run for five months. Rules coming soon…
— Tips
PHOTOSTREAM | To save photos you take through the app to your phone as well, turn on the SAVE TO PHOTOSTREAM button on the top of the screen (green on). This is a good idea, as it provides a backup in case signal fails.
OFFLINE | Poor phone signal can make logging a catch on the app difficult. Therefore, the app features an “OFFLINE” mode. To process of ticking off a list item in offline mode is the same as online. You must remember to switch back to ONLINE mode when you get solid phone signal to register the accomplishments waiting in your log.
DID MY PHOTO GET SAVED OR SENT? Click the LOG button on the top left-hand side. This will take you to your upload log, where all your saved, unsent photos show in red UNSENT if your app is in OFFLINE MODE or low reception. If green SENT shows, these images have come to us at HQ, if orange PART RECEIVED message shows, this means there was a reception drop out and we suggest you go into offline mode until you are in better mobile reception and then try again.
IMPORTANT | Clicking the blue tick does not mean you have logged your photo or saved your data; it means that you are happy with how the photo looks.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT | If you let your screen go black or to screensaver mode before actually submitting, your information will be lost.